Westcoast Child Care Resource Centre

Inspiring & Promoting Excellence in Child Care & Early Learning


Friday Spotlight Episode 12: Ashleigh Davies

Welcome to Episode 12 of Friday Spotlight! In Emily's last ever Friday Spotlight episode, she interviews Ashleigh Davies about the power of dramatic play in the Early Years. Ashleigh is the presenter of our upcoming IN PERSON workshop Dramatic Play: More than Just the Housekeeping Corner On Saturday July 23 from 9:30am - 2pm.

Ashleigh is a post-secondary CWE instructor for Sprott Shaw College and has worked in a variety of roles with children over the last ten years, but she comes from a theatre background, previously working as a drama & musical theatre instructor.

Emily and Ashleigh chat about career shifts, honouring the many languages of children and the impact of early learning environments and resources on child development. Ashleigh tells us all about her fun, interactive workshop and the topics she will cover, including safe ways to introduce risky play and practical, cost-effective dramatic play ideas. Ashleigh's workshop is on-site at 2772 East Broadway, so participants will be invited to explore the Early Learning Library and our many play and learning resources.

Click the player below to listen to Episode 12.

Spotlight 12 Ashleigh.gif

Friday Spotlight episode #12: Ashleigh Davies